The Hottest Digital Marketing Trends of 2021

The Hottest Digital Marketing Trends of 2021

Goodbye – and good riddance – to 2020. Now that the new year is here, business owners are looking forward to finally getting back to business as usual. But as marketers, we have to ask: what changes in consumer behaviors will last once the pandemic is over, and how do we adjust our practices accordingly?

The hottest digital marketing trends of 2021 revolve around two contradictory concepts. First is humanization, addressing current issues and tailoring messages to more personal engagement at the individual level. Then there’s the nitty-gritty that your customers don’t see: mechanical and technical fine-tuning to optimize SEO and streamline campaigns. Here’s what you need to know about reaching your target market in 2021.

Your values, your voice.

In 2020, 90% of surveyed consumers felt that values are important when choosing a brand to buy from, and 67% would pay more to contribute to a good cause. Practicing cause-related marketing isn’t just good for company culture; it’s a smart business decision.

Social media: quality over quantity.

We’ve seen the rise and fall of many social media channels (we’re looking at you, TikTok!) that marketers wonder if it makes sense to have a presence on all of them. Decluttering social media accounts isn’t just a popular option; it’s becoming necessary. Rather than staying relevant on all platforms, choose two to three accounts to dedicate your efforts.

Social commerce.

Social media platforms make it easier for consumers to go from discovery to purchase without ever leaving the platform. With more people spending time online and social commerce continuing to grow in 2021, consider linking products to your Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Interactive content.

Creating interactive content has been around for some time but is now recognized as a best practice. Quizzes, open-ended questions, surveys, contests, etc., increase consumers’ engagement with your brand, helping your standing in online algorithms. More importantly, interactive improves the user experience.

Customer segmentation.

Here’s another practice that is not new but is newly popular. Customer segmentation means grouping your target audience by certain traits or behaviors, such as demographics or shopping habits. Instead of launching a small number of large marketing campaigns to reach your entire audience, launch a large number of small campaigns targeting specific customers. For example, having two separate email lists for small spenders and big spenders allows you to address their needs better.

Local SEO.

Your business may not see much foot traffic right now, but people are already making their post-pandemic plans. If you own a small business, one of the most important things you can do is ensure your local listings are up-to-date on search platforms. Start by getting your business verified by Google. You can do this by signing up for Google My Business, which gives you the chance to offer additional information about your company in online searches. You’ll also want to incorporate local keywords into your SEO strategy, so your address and hours are easily accessible.

Augmented Reality (AR).

With Facebook owning dozens of AR patents, it’s only a matter of time before this technology becomes a key component of your digital strategy. AR allows users to manipulate their environment from a digital device, offering endless brand engagement possibilities. This is still an emerging technology, but now is a good time to consider how AR could benefit your business.

This year, we’re resolved to help our clients reach – and surpass – their biggest business goals. Let us help you bring your business into the future with marketing, public relations, and digital strategy services worthy of 2021. Give us a call at 8880-587-4593 or email [email protected] to get started today.

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