How Can We Help You?

Adjusting Your Marketing, and Messaging, Both Now and for the Future

Effective marketing is all about two-way communication. You might have spent months honing your business’ messaging, perfecting your PR.  strategizing your social media tactics, and developing a killer e- newsletter. But that’s only half that battle if you’re not hearing what your clients have to say. Here’s how you can determine your audience’s wants and needs … and make sure that you’re giving your clients what they really want from you.

  1. Know who they are. Ask yourself: how well do you know your target market? Is there a common gender, age, location, or interest amongst your clients? How many of them are repeat customers, and why do they buy from you? An online survey or social media analysis may help you identify who your customers are and what kinds of services would appeal to them most.
  2. Listen (really listen). Keeping tabs on your brand’s reputation is a critical part of gauging your clients’ attitudes and identifying any changes they would like to see made. An easy way to do this is through social listening, a process that allows you to track, analyze, and respond to conversations about your brand on social media in real-time. Social listening will give you insight into what your clients are saying about your products or services online so you can adjust your business strategies accordingly.
  3. Ask for their input. If your customers aren’t commenting about your latest product or asking questions about your company and it’s offerings, the best way to learn what they think may be to come right out and ask them. Keep your questions short and specific, and give them a way to contact you with feedback in the future.

Listening to client insights in order to assess their true needs  – especially now during this time of current and future change — can have an enormous effect on your company’s  growth and reputation. Call us at (888) 587-4593, x 1 (or email us anytime) for more insight into best ways to communicate with your target market – and some valuable tips and tricks on ways to make sure you are meeting their needs to keep them coming back for more.


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